
There is a new News Discussion, with a bit more structure than the previous one. For students with an odd number in your UVA ID, the article post should be done before Tuesday’s class (March 19).

These two chapters from my book, Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines, are recommended readings that align closely with what we did in class:

Note that the Scheme language used in Chapter 3 is syntactically quite different from JavaScript, so don’t get confused by the examples there. In other ways, JavaScript is very similar to the Scheme language used in the book — indeed, Brendan Eich’s was hired by Netscape to design “Scheme for the web”, which ended up being branded for marketing reasons as JavaScript.

Code Examples

The code examples from class are:


Class 15: Programming

  • What is Language?
  • Components of Language: Primitives, Means of Combination, Means of Abstraction
  • JavaScript and the DOM