
Project 3 is due on Friday, 29 March.


Class 17: JavaScript Programming

  • Recapping and Extending BNF Grammars
  • News Highlights: Poisoning, Tim Berners-Lee, and the Reddit IPO!
  • Programming in JavaScript


The code we ended up with in class today is below jsboom-class17.html:

    <h1>Exploring the DOM</h1>

        function updateCount() {
            i = i - 1; // single "=" means assignment (":=") 

            countobj = document.getElementById("count");
            console.log("Updating i: " + i);
            countobj.innerHTML = "<b>" + i + "</b>";

            if (i <= 0) { // double "==" is equality comparison
                countobj.innerHTML = "<b><font size='+5'>BOOM!</b>";


        var i = 5;

    <h2>Count Down: <span id="count"><script>document.write(i)</script></span></h2>
    <button onclick="updateCount()">Next</button>


We didn’t get to actually changing the color of the background. To do this, you can set a DOM attribute directly: = color;

The value of color could be a string the describes a color for a web browser - for example "red" or "#FF0000 (the hexadecimal color encoding with maximum Red, no Green, and no Blue).